Instantly reduce your company’s carbon footprint. 100% CO2 reduction possible.

Local impact

Zero emission zones are coming

By deploying electric trucks, you as a company are responding perfectly to the needs of both customers and local municipalities with their residents. The zero emission zones are coming for a reason. Of course, you do want to be able to reach your customer. Our electric trucks are both clean and quiet. Create local impact with the deployment of zero emission.

Your benefits at a glance:

Global impact

For clean transport worldwide

Transport accounts for more than a third of CO2 emissions worldwide. With BREYTNER’s zero emission trucks, this is reduced to 0! Show leadership by deploying electric vehicles and set course for future-proof operations. Be prepared for the growing customer demand for sustainable transport solutions. Our e-fleet offers a solution for almost every sort of transport.

The global benefits of deploying electric vehicles:

With more than 1 million electric kilometres driven, a scalable and substantial e-fleet and mobile charging solutions, we are the transport sector’s leaders in sustainability.



Besides our core business, the way BREYTNER is organised is also special. The deployment of zero emission trucks requires extra attention. Think about the charging strategy that needs to be developed and the implementation. But also which zero emission technology best suits the customer demand and what a logistics concept might look like. For the operational interpretation, BREYTNER has a structural cooperation with Vlot Logistics and HN Post & Zonen. The three renowned companies share the same vision of sustainability, in which stewardship and long-term vision are important core values.


With the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) emissions from the supply chain (Scope 3) will become transparent.

Almost 1/3rd of goods traffic in the Netherlands’ major city centres consists of traffic to construction projects.

Cities have a duty to provide residents with a healthy and clean living environment and are therefore imposing more and more rules on inner-city traffic.




BREYTNER is a leader in zero emission transport within logistics. To maintain this position, we have ourselves continuously challenged, supported and informed by partners.

100% CO2 reduction possible!

Want to know more about zero emission transport within your logistics process?

Call 0031 (0)10-2613399 or email info@breytner.com

Bijlstraat 2
3087 AA Rotterdam


Door nu te starten ben je als bedrijf in staat alles tijdig geregeld te hebben. Er is meer mogelijk dan u wellicht denkt. De overgang naar zero emissietransport kan bepalend zijn voor strategische vestigingskeuzen of nieuwe logistieke concepten. De transitie biedt kansen om samen te werken in partnerships tussen verlader en vervoerder. Dit zorgt voor optimalisatie in het proces, de beste efficiency en mogelijke kostenreductie.


Vanuit de technologische kant wordt er steeds meer mogelijk. Laadvermogen en actieradius van elektrische trucks vormen nagenoeg geen beperking meer. Ook tussentijds snelladen is op vele plekken reeds mogelijk.


Met de aankomende Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) worden emissies vanuit de supply chain (Scope 3) inzichtelijk. Hiermee is goed in kaart te brengen welke stromen laagdrempelig verduurzaamd kunnen worden. Denk hierbij onder andere aan pendeltrajecten of vaste rondritten die vanaf nu zonder emissies gedaan kunnen worden. Of bijvoorbeeld de voor en na-trajecten die aansluiten op andere modaliteiten.


Bijna 1/3e van het goederenverkeer in de grote binnensteden van Nederland bestaat uit verkeer naar bouwprojecten.

Met de enorme bouwopgave in Nederland van de aankomende jaren gaat dit percentage alleen maar stijgen. De overlast van zwaar bouwverkeer op ons leefgebied van CO2, geluid, stikstof en luchtkwaliteit neemt hiermee helaas ook toe. De overheid gaat hierop reguleren.

BREYTNER biedt hier een oplossing voor met haar 100% elektrische zero emissie voertuigen die speciaal zijn ontwikkeld voor de bouwlogistiek. Onze gezamenlijke vloot bestaat uit:

  • Elektrisch bakbusje
  • Elektrische bakwagens met en zonder elektrische kooiapen
  • Elektrische kraanwagen met 40 Tonmeter elektrische kraan
  • Elektrische kraanwagen met 20 Tonmeter elektrische kraan en haakarm
  • Elektrische trekkers 50 tons met stenentrailer en elektrische stenenloskraan
  • Elektrische betonmixers
  • Elektrische verreikers
  • Elektrische trekkers


Steden hebben de plicht bewoners een gezonde en schone leefomgeving te bieden. 
Ze leggen daarom steeds meer regels op aan het verkeer in de binnenstad. Vanaf 2025 worden er in 40 grote Nederlandse steden zero emissie zones ingevoerd voor goederenvervoer. BREYTNER biedt een oplossing om zonder uitstoot maar wel toekomstbestendig de binnensteden te beleveren. BREYTNER zet hiervoor 100% elektrische distributietrucks in, waardoor toegang tot de binnenstad gegarandeerd is, schoon stil en veilig. Dit doen we voor zowel winkeldistributie als B2C consumentenleveringen.


By starting now, you as a company are able to have everything in place in time. More is possible than you may think. The transition to zero emission transport can determine strategic location choices or new logistics concepts. The transition offers opportunities to work together in partnerships between shipper and carrier. This ensures process optimisation, best efficiency and possible cost reduction.


From the technological side, more and more is becoming possible. Charging capacity and range of electric trucks are almost no longer a limitation. High power charging is also already possible in many places.


With the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) emissions from the supply chain (Scope 3) will become transparent. This makes it easy to identify which flows can be made sustainable in a low-threshold manner. Think, for instance of a milk run or fixed round trips that from now on can be done without emissions. Or, for instance, the before and after routes that connect to other modalities.


Almost 1/3rd of goods traffic in the Netherlands’ major city centres consists of traffic to construction projects.

With the huge construction task in the Netherlands in the coming years, this percentage is only going to increase. Unfortunately, the nuisance of heavy construction traffic on our habitat of CO2, noise, nitrogen and air quality is also increasing with this. The government is going to regulate this.

BREYTNER offers a solution to this with its 100% electric zero emission vehicles specially designed for construction logistics. Our joint fleet consists of:

  • Electric box van
  • Electric box trucks with and without electric forklift
  • Electric crane truck with 40-tonnes-metre electric crane
  • Electric crane truck with 20-tonnes-metre electric crane and hook lift
  • Electric tractors 50 tonnes with trailer and electric brick unloading crane
  • Electric concrete mixers
  • Electric telehandler
  • Electric tractor units


Cities have a duty to provide residents with a healthy and clean living environment
and are therefore imposing more and more rules on inner-city traffic. From 2025, 40 major Dutch cities will introduce zero emission zones for goods transport. BREYTNER offers a solution for zero emissions future-proof city centre deliveries. To this end, BREYTNER deploys 100% electric distribution trucks, guaranteeing inner-city access, clean, quiet and safe. We do this for both retail distribution and B2C consumer deliveries.